Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Hey Jammers! As many of you know, I do own my own big blog called If you didn't follow the link from my main blog to get here, then there's your link! Anyways, I'm sure many of you would like to hear the requirements and such to join the pack. Here they are!
Members with atleast 8 dens: Members, if you have 4 dens, these are your requirements. In order to join the pack, you have to donate a den to the pack. Why you may ask? because everyone has thier own house (a room in a den) so the bigger the den, the better.
Members with 1, 2, or 3 dens: Donate a den or clothing item to the pack! Clothing prefferably colored and nonmember, for the nonmembers who join and don't have anything to wear or anything.
Nonmembers: You have to donate any item, the more expensive, the better. These items we will sell, unless told otherwise, to fund our pack. Ok, I hope everyone understands what I exept from them as a donation to the pack. Since I own the pack, I will contribute quite a few of my own 7 dens to the pack. I know I won't contribute my enchanted hollow or regular castle, but I'll probably donate the rest. Also, there are more requirements for you guys, all of you. If you want to be a pup, you need nothing, If you want to be a trainee, you have to know basic hunting/fighting/magic. If you want to be a trainer/teacher you have to be very skilled at hunting/fighting/spying/magic. Trainer and Teacher are actually very high ranks. To be a Spy you must have excellect hunting/fighting/survival skills, as well as stealth and speed. To be a fighter you just have to be a decent fighter. To be a hunter you have to be a good fighter and an even better hunter. There will be a few pages on this blog, this is going to be the pack news page. I will make a requirements page, a pack members page, and more. By the way, strong boys out there, position of Alpha Male is still open. I repeat, Alpha Male is still open. I have someone in mind, but if you would like to be tested, contact me in comments or by jam a gram. I hope you will consider joining the pack. By the way, we have NOT decided on territory yet. I am thinking Zios, but vote on the poll (as soon as I get it up) about the territory. As this pack is just starting, it won't be big (just yet). And, to join the pack, YOU WON'T ALWAYS BUDDY ME. You will buddy the person's who's den you live in and everyone there. I am only going to be buddying those who live in my dens (the first people). Well, that's it! Bye! I hope you will join!

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